Email Marketing Campaigns Deliver Big Results

Why do people keep buying new iPhones? Or video gaming systems? Or cars? Is it that their old ones no longer work? Rather, it’s mankind’s insatiable need to ‘acquire new things.’ Knowing that your customers will never be ‘satisfied’ can work to your advantage. Using email marketing campaigns to promote ‘new and better’ can deliver big results.

email marketing campaigns intouch business burbank caThe First Offer – Create Interest

The first step in an effective email marketing campaign involves capturing your target’s interest. They MUST look twice at your email. Don’t worry about conversion – yet.

Any successful first-offering fixates your customer’s attention on your product’s novelty and perceived benefits, totally overcoming any objections that might arise in their mind. We often call it ‘piquing their interest.’ This interval is short-lived and unless you have a mighty message, probably won’t result in anything except a micro-yes deep within their minds.

The Second Offer – Expand Upon the Benefits

Your follow-up email should further expand upon your product’s benefits. Define a client’s problem and let them know exactly how you can fix it. Introduce a new dimension, previously unrevealed to further excite their interest.

For instance…

For one day only we are offering XYZ when you purchase ABC.

Many will jump on the bandwagon with the extra incentive, especially if you have sold your product’s (or service’s) benefits.

The Third Offer – 2nd Chance, Don’t Miss Out

If you did not get that ‘yes’ with the first or second offer in your email marketing campaign, then hit them again with a third email. This time, let them know they missed out… BUT… and here is where you solve their problem. You will give them another chance.

At this point, it is more about ‘not missing out.’ Be sure to highlight the benefits yet again and offer a new and different sweetener to your offer. But, focus on the ‘last chance’ aspect. This creates a sense of urgency and will push them towards that final ‘yes.’

How to Craft an Offer for Email Marketing Campaigns

Collect and analyze customer feedback regularly and thoroughly. You can often identify latent desires just from the comments section of a feedback form. Social media comments give you a wealth of insight into your customer demographics, interests, and feelings about your product. Knowing what catches a client’s interest allows you to craft email marketing campaigns that catch their interest and bring about high conversion rates.

Since 2006, intouch Business has been building email marketing campaigns based on a solid foundation of strategy. At our core, we are marketers. Julian Aston, founder and President of intouch brings many years of marketing expertise spanning numerous high profile and smaller clients. He’s been building marketing companies internationally since 1980 when he founded what became Canada’s third largest marketing agency during a ten-year period. Fortune 100 clients like Amex, Bank of America, Pepsi-Cola, Kellogg’s, and more, have relied on his expertise to market and promote major products and services.

If you want to build an email marketing campaign that will convert leads into clients, call intouch Business. We help businesses grow.

Julian Aston